مكفيتيز زنجبيل مكسرات 250 جرام

بواسطة Mcvitie's
£3.79 GBP

بسكويت الزنجبيل المقرمش. الناري، بدون زيت نباتي مهدرج، بدون ألوان أو نكهات صناعية، مناسب للنباتيين.


دقيق (دقيق القمح، كالسيوم، حديد، نياسين، ثيامين)، سكر، زيت نباتي (نخيل)، شراب الجلوكوز والفركتوز، دبس السكر، مواد رافعة (بيكربونات الصوديوم، ثنائي فوسفات ثنائي الصوديوم)، زنجبيل مطحون، ملح، ليمون طبيعي، نكهة الزنجبيل.

معلومات الحساسية

مناسب للنباتيين

المعلومات الغذائية

القيم النمطية

لكل 100 جرام

لكل بسكويت (10.1 جرام)

الطاقة (كيلو جول)



(سعر حراري)




16.5 جرام

1.7 جرام

من الذي يشبع

7.8 جرام

0.8 جرام


71.3 جرام

7.2 جرام

من أي أنواع السكريات

28.9 جرام

2.9 جرام


2.3 جرام

0.2 جرام


5.8 جرام

0.6 جرام


0.94 جرام

0.09 جرام

العدد النموذجي من البسكويت لكل علبة: 25

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Pauline Jones

McVitie´s Ginger Nuts are one of my favourite biscuits. Crunchy as well as gingery, an irresistible combination in biscuits.

Sylvia M Johnson
Delivery took too long

There was nothing wrong with the products we ordered. They were exactly what we expected. The service was another matter. We were charged 34.95 euros for DHL delivery plus 22.19 euros fuel surcharge. We were concerned when the order was dispatched as it had been split into 3 separate packages even though they all left the company at almost the same time. This caused great confusion at Customs and they were delayed. It seems the parcels were sent by Royal Mail and we were given tracking details. When they arrived in Greece they had to go through Customs. They were dispatched on 27th April and reached Customs on May 9th. 2 parcels cleared customs and were delivered on 16th May and we were charged 15 euros tax. The third parcel stayed at Customs. I was sent a registered letter from the Greek Postal Service asking for proof of who I am dated 20th May. I e mailed the details and received a message saying it would be delivered. It finally arrived on 3rd June with a bill for a further 5 euros tax. We know that Brexit has caused the Customs problems but cant understand why the order was sent in 3 packages and why DHL didn't deliver in their usual way taking a maximum of 8 days from dispatch.
Why it took almost 5 weeks from dispatch to the final package being delivered.
We will not be ordering again in a hurry as it proved to be a very stressful experience and the delivery, fuel surcharges and taxes proved to be more expensive than the price of the order.

Randall James
You need to want real flavour

Finding North American cookies taste like sugar that might have been stirred with a chocolate of ginger spoon. I buy British cookies, they taste less of sugar and more of the flavour they are sold for.

Christina Blessing Massaquoi

The biscuits is sweet.

Tim Baiden

good, tangy ginger taste

انت شاهدت مؤخرا

مسح ما تم عرضه مؤخرًا

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Pauline Jones

McVitie´s Ginger Nuts are one of my favourite biscuits. Crunchy as well as gingery, an irresistible combination in biscuits.

Sylvia M Johnson
Delivery took too long

There was nothing wrong with the products we ordered. They were exactly what we expected. The service was another matter. We were charged 34.95 euros for DHL delivery plus 22.19 euros fuel surcharge. We were concerned when the order was dispatched as it had been split into 3 separate packages even though they all left the company at almost the same time. This caused great confusion at Customs and they were delayed. It seems the parcels were sent by Royal Mail and we were given tracking details. When they arrived in Greece they had to go through Customs. They were dispatched on 27th April and reached Customs on May 9th. 2 parcels cleared customs and were delivered on 16th May and we were charged 15 euros tax. The third parcel stayed at Customs. I was sent a registered letter from the Greek Postal Service asking for proof of who I am dated 20th May. I e mailed the details and received a message saying it would be delivered. It finally arrived on 3rd June with a bill for a further 5 euros tax. We know that Brexit has caused the Customs problems but cant understand why the order was sent in 3 packages and why DHL didn't deliver in their usual way taking a maximum of 8 days from dispatch.
Why it took almost 5 weeks from dispatch to the final package being delivered.
We will not be ordering again in a hurry as it proved to be a very stressful experience and the delivery, fuel surcharges and taxes proved to be more expensive than the price of the order.

Randall James
You need to want real flavour

Finding North American cookies taste like sugar that might have been stirred with a chocolate of ginger spoon. I buy British cookies, they taste less of sugar and more of the flavour they are sold for.

Christina Blessing Massaquoi

The biscuits is sweet.

Tim Baiden

good, tangy ginger taste