أوكسو 24 مكعب مرقة دجاج 142 جرام

بواسطة Oxo
£10.79 GBP
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مكعبات مرق الدجاج. للطبخ المنزلي اللذيذ. للحصول على نكهة إضافية، قم بتفتيت مكعب دجاج أوكسو في الماء عند غلي الأرز أو المعكرونة أو البطاطس. يُصنع طبق خزفي بطل، بدون مواد حافظة صناعية.


دقيق القمح (مع إضافة الكالسيوم والحديد والنياسين والثيامين)، والملح، وشراب الجلوكوز المجفف، ومحسن النكهة (غلوتامات أحادية الصوديوم)، ومستخلص الخميرة، والمنكهات، ودهن الدجاج (3%)، ونشا البطاطس، والسكر، ومستخلص الدجاج المركز (2%) )، اللون (أمونيا كراميل)

معلومات الحساسية

يحتوي على الكرفس، ويحتوي على الغلوتين، ويحتوي على القمح. خالية من المواد الحافظة الاصطناعية

المعلومات الغذائية

القيم النمطية

لكل 100 جرام كما تباع

لكل 100 مل من المرق كما هو معد


1198 كيلوجول/283 كيلو كالوري

37 كيلوجول/9 كيلو كالوري


4.1 جرام

<0.5 جرام

من الذي يشبع

1.0 جرام

<0.1 جرام


46.8 جرام

1.5 جرام

من أي أنواع السكريات

16.5 جرام

0.5 جرام


2.8 جرام

<0.5 جرام


13.5 جرام

<0.5 جرام


24.90 جرام

0.77 جرام

هذه العبوة تصنع 48 حصة بحجم 100 مل تقريبًا


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Elizabeth Watts
I cannot cook without Oxo cubes

When making gravy, a casserole, sauce etc. for a chicken meal, I never think it tastes right until I have added a crumbled Oxo cube. I was particularly pleased to be able to get these chicken Oxo cubes, the perfect ingredient for all my chicken dishes.

Ray Chorostecki

Oxo 24 Chicken Stock Cubes 142g

Anthony Monteleone
OXO chicken cubes

Wish I could get these in the states. A necessity for great gravy and for soup.

Carol Barton Ph.D.
Excellent customer service!

I have loved OXO (beef and chicken) all my life, so of course I had to order some when I got close to running out: I usually buy it in London, but thanks to COVID and the economy, have not been back to the UK for several years. The BE order arrived badly damaged. By mistake, I sent the photographs and narrative to a supplier with a similar-sounding name (one I have used in the past) and of course they didn't recognize the order, which delayed any corrective action. But as soon as I contacted Brtish Essentials (BE) and asked them to process the claim through Royal Mail and USPS, they promised to send me a replacement order. Heaven knows, they can't be responsible for what their carriers do, but the fact that they took immediate action to keep a customer satisfied, rather than waiting to recover from the carrier(s) tells me a great deal about the integrity of this supplier--and British Essentials will be certain to receive my future custom. Bravo!

Arthur Clarke
what a surprise

When I ordered my OXO I didn't realise how many would come, but as I use them on a regular basis I was very happy

انت شاهدت مؤخرا

مسح ما تم عرضه مؤخرًا
1 ثانية منذ
£10.79 GBP

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Elizabeth Watts
I cannot cook without Oxo cubes

When making gravy, a casserole, sauce etc. for a chicken meal, I never think it tastes right until I have added a crumbled Oxo cube. I was particularly pleased to be able to get these chicken Oxo cubes, the perfect ingredient for all my chicken dishes.

Ray Chorostecki

Oxo 24 Chicken Stock Cubes 142g

Anthony Monteleone
OXO chicken cubes

Wish I could get these in the states. A necessity for great gravy and for soup.

Carol Barton Ph.D.
Excellent customer service!

I have loved OXO (beef and chicken) all my life, so of course I had to order some when I got close to running out: I usually buy it in London, but thanks to COVID and the economy, have not been back to the UK for several years. The BE order arrived badly damaged. By mistake, I sent the photographs and narrative to a supplier with a similar-sounding name (one I have used in the past) and of course they didn't recognize the order, which delayed any corrective action. But as soon as I contacted Brtish Essentials (BE) and asked them to process the claim through Royal Mail and USPS, they promised to send me a replacement order. Heaven knows, they can't be responsible for what their carriers do, but the fact that they took immediate action to keep a customer satisfied, rather than waiting to recover from the carrier(s) tells me a great deal about the integrity of this supplier--and British Essentials will be certain to receive my future custom. Bravo!

Arthur Clarke
what a surprise

When I ordered my OXO I didn't realise how many would come, but as I use them on a regular basis I was very happy