Union Bobolink Brazil Cafetiere Grind 200g

Union Bobolink Brazil Cafetiere Grind 200g


£14.49 GBP

A fantastic coffee, with a rich, smooth aftertaste that lasts and lasts. Grown on smallholder farms around Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza....

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£14.49 GBP
Union Decaf Cafetiere Grind 200g

Union Decaf Cafetiere Grind 200g


£14.49 GBP

Decaf, with no compromises. This is one flavorful, characterful cup - a blend of coffees from smallholder farmers in Rwanda and Sumatra...

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£14.49 GBP
Union Gajah Mountain Sumatra Wholebean 200g

Union Gajah Mountain Sumatra Wholebean 200g


£14.49 GBP

Grown high in the jungle forest of the Aceh Mountains by smallholder farmers. A deep, rich, peaty flavor. A syrupy feel. Next time you ...

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£14.49 GBP
Union House Roast Cafetiere Grind 200g

Union House Roast Cafetiere Grind 200g


£14.79 GBP

Our original house roast is unmistakably Union: bold intensity infused with a deep natural sweetness. West Coast inspiration brought to...

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£14.79 GBP
Union Maraba Rwanda Cafetiere Grind 200g

Union Maraba Rwanda Cafetiere Grind 200g


£14.49 GBP

Fruity, full bodied and perfectly balanced. The world's first Rwandan speciality coffee. Grown by Abahuzamugambi Ba Kawa (though we jus...

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£14.49 GBP
Union Revelation Wholebean 200g

Union Revelation Wholebean 200g


£14.79 GBP

Our signature espresso coffee, served in high-end cafés across the country (and now, at your table). It's a bold one - with hints of be...

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£14.79 GBP
Union Timana Colombia Cafetiere Grind 200g

Union Timana Colombia Cafetiere Grind 200g


£14.49 GBP

Centuries ago, a warrior tribe ruled the land this coffee grows on. This coffee is named after them - Timana. It's packed full of fruit...

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£14.49 GBP

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